Some of The Traditional Festivals in The Volta Region

*Some of the festivals they do you celebrate?*

Anlo-Hogbetsotso Festival
On the first Saturday of every November, a grand durbar of chiefs and people is held at Anloga, the traditional home of the Anlo-speaking Ewes. The durbar forms a significant part of the week-long Hogbetsotso festival which commemorates the migration (or exodus) of the Anlo-Ewes from the ancient walled city of Notsie in present day Northern Togo, to their present abode in the south Eastern Coastal Wetlands of present day Ghana. They claimed they escaped the tyranny of a wicked chief, Agorkoli, by walking “back-wards” to elude their enemies who might follow them, amidst drumming and dancing to “Husago” and other war songs.

Two weeks after the Anlo-Ewes celebrated Hogbetsotso festival, their cousins, the Some-Ewes celebrate their Sometutuza at Agbozume, their traditional home. This colourful festival of pomp and pageantry is rounded off with a grand durbar of chiefs and their subjects on a Saturday. Chiefs pay homage to their paramount chief and renew their allegiance. The Some area is noted for Kente weaving.

*Dzawuwu Festival Of Agave-Ewes*
In every February, the chiefs and people of the Agave traditional area celebrate their annual Dzawuwu festival at Dabala, their chief commercial centre. It is essentially a thanksgiving festival where special portions foods are sprinkled to the gods. It also commemorates the bravery of the Agaves of the past who fought and won several wars. It is the time to pay tribute to departed ones and to pour libation for the people to renew their loyalty to their rulers. It has an impressive durbar of chiefs to climax it. Drumming and dancing feature prominently.

*Ayimagonu Festival Of Dofor-Ewes*
The chiefs and people of Dofor Traditional Area in Norther Tongu District have as their major Adidome, a few kilometres from Juapong, is the Festival home. It is a festival of pomp and pageantry which culminates in a grand durbar of chiefs on a Saturday. Several activities are performed including pouring of libation, etc. Chiefs ride in colourful palanquins amidst singing of war songs.

*Yam-Festi and people of Asogli State (Ho) and surrounding areas such as Sokode, Abutia Klefe and Akrofu celebrate their annual yam festival. This is
 a harvest festival. Cooked yam is sprinkled at the various shrines. This is done before any human being is allowed to cook and taste the real yam. There is usually a grand durbar of chiefs where the chiefs sit in state to receive homage from their subjects. The mode of celebration differs slightly from one traditional area to another.

*Gbidukor Festival of the Gbi-Ewes*
In November, the chiefs of Gbi (North) Hohoe areas and Gbi (South) Peki areas celebrate their annual festival. This festival rotates from Hohoe to Peki. It is a very colourful festival of pomp and pageantry. Chiefs are carried in palaquins amidst drumming and dancing. This festival is to commemorate the exploits of the Gbi-Ewes of old. New development projects are initiated. It marks the period of family re-union and to attract thousands of people from far and near. The festival is normally celebrated in November.

*Akwantutenten Festival of The Ewes*
The chiefs and people of Worawora who are Akans celebrate their newly revived festival called Akwantuteten. This festival is to commemorate the exodus of the people of Worawora from Ashanti-land to their present abode. It is celebrated like most Akan festivals culminating in a colourful durbar of chn a Saturday. Chiefs sit in state to receive homage from their subjects. Thousands of citizens and other Akans throng the town of Worawora to give of their best. The festival, a major crowd puller, involves a pilgrimage to their first settlements up the hills overlooking the hills at which foot the present settlement is located.

*Agbamevoza (Kente Festival) of the Agotime People*
The chiefs and people of Agotime traditional area, a few kilometres east of Ho, who are indeed Ga-Adangbes, celebrate their annual Kente festival in August every year. This is a unique festival by all standards. The Agotime people claim they introduced the art of Kente weaving to present day Ghana and consequently have been marking this event with a colourful festival. The festival culminates in a durbar of chiefs and subjects and various types of Kente cloth are put on display. A unique aspect of the festival is Kente-weaving competition and one that brings about the best is crowned. In the evening of Saturday, Miss “Agbamevor” (Miss Kente) is selected. This unique festival attracts thousands of people from far and near including tourists.

*Amu (Rice) Festival of the people of Vane in the Ho District*
As the name implies, the festival is centred on the harvesting of rice so it is a harvest festival. It is celebrated at Vane, the traditional capital of the Avatime people. It is celebrated in the last week of November to December. It does attract a number of tourists. The people of Avatime, who migrated from the Ahanta areas of the Western Region, fought the original people of the area they now occupy, and this is reflected in their drumming, dancing and singing.

*Sasadu Festival*
In October, any of the four communities forming the SASADU i.e. Saviefe, Afrofu, Sovie and Alavanyo (on rotational basis) celebrate what is now known as the SASADU festival. It is a festival of pomp and pageantry meant to rekindle the fraternal relationship that exists between the four communities who are said to be of the same stock. A grand durbar of chiefs crowns the festival.

*Glimetotozola Of the Adaklu People*
The chiefs and people of Adaku traditional area celebrate Glimetotoza to commemorate their exodus from Notsie in present day Northern Togo to their present abode. During the celebration, the bravery of their ancestors is put on display in forms of war dances, songs and drums. As usual, a grand durbar of chiefs of the Adaklu traditional area, encompassing several settlements is held.

*Apenorto Festival Of the People Mepe*
The chiefs and people of Mepe in North Tongu District celebrate their annual Apenorto Festival. It is a colourful festival where during the durbar of chiefs, the people put on their best of regalia for general merry making. It is also the period to take stock of the previous year’s activities whilst development plans are initiated.

*Wli Falls Festival*
The chiefs and people of the three communities forming the Wli Traditional Area “Agoviefe, Afegame and Todzi” celebrate their waterfall festival in September.
It is a festival to thank the almighty God for being kind enough to them by providing a waterfall that is perennial and that provides sources of water in a virtually arid area. They thank God for their unique gift, which includes a nature reserve with a very high floral concentration. This festival of pomp and pageantry attracts several tourists from far and near.

                                                       DISTRICT MAP OF VOLTA REGION

