Princess Shyngle makes a tall list of men she’s slept with

Actress Princess Shyngle has expressed worry over the fact that she has not met her Mr. Right several years in transit waiting for the person.
According to the actress, she has dated countless men in her life but she is shocked that she has not yet met the Right Man to seek for her hand in marriage.
She made this known through a post on Instagram sighted by
She said “I’ve already met…. Mr Player, Mr Stupid, Mr idiot, Mr I’m not married, Mr psycho, Mr footballer, Mr Cheap, Mr lazy, Mr User, Mr Know it all, Mr Musician, Mr Control freak, Mr Stalker… Where the hell is Mr Right”?
Princess Shyngle is an actress and a socialite whose popularity in Ghana is not borne out of her movie prowess and roles but because of the shape of her waist. Offei-Akoto
